5 Tips to Up Your Smoothie Game!

Smoothies are a great way to get a healthy kick without forcing down a head of broccoli. They are delicious, packed full of nutrients to get you going throughout your day, and can help bust your sweet cravings without having to binge on unhealthy sweets.

Our favourite blended beverages may get boring sometimes so here are a few tips and tricks to add something extra to them!

  1. Sneak in some veggies! Adding a few leafy greens can add an instant health kick to your smoothie without changing the flavour too much. Try throwing in a handful of spinach next time you blend up your fruit smoothies. I enjoy buying frozen spinach cubes as well that are pre-portioned and frozen which adds a thicker texture! Although it may change the colour, spinach surprisingly will not change the taste by much.


2. Use frozen fruit to thicken and keep your smoothies cold. Not only does blending frozen fruits increase the thickness of your smoothies and make summer days better, it also cuts costs! Fresh fruit can be quite costly when not in season and buying them frozen is the more affordable route. Frozen doesn’t necessarily mean “not fresh” as frozen fruit can actually be fresher because it is picked ripe and flash frozen (frozen immediately)!

3. Toppings. Toppings. Toppings! Throwing on some whole fruit chunks, granola, nuts or seeds can do wonders to a smoothie. To begin, toppings add substance to a smoothie and make what began as a drink more filling. Add some granola to a smoothie to instantly make it a hearty, healthy and delicious breakfast. As well, depending on your choice of topping, they can be packed full of nutrients. Different toppings can add a variety of flavours to a plain everyday smoothie.


Here are a few of my favourite toppings:

Chia seeds – Superfood packed full of nutrients to fuel your body with no added taste.

Fresh fruit – Add texture to your smoothie and make your drink just a little more aesthetically pleasing.

Granola – Makes smoothies more filling and provide a delicious crunch in every bite.

Nuts – Provide protein and healthy fats and contribute to the texture of the smoothie.

Coconut flakes – Add a tropical and creamy flavour instantly.

4. Bananas, the holy grail of all smoothies. These affordable tropical fruits act as a natural sweetener and add a wonderful smooth texture to your blended beverage. I prefer my bananas frozen; however they are also fantastic fresh. Make sure that the bananas are ripe for maximum sweetness.

5. Throw in a splash of orange juice for an instant smoothie that tastes like liquid candy. Although juice may not be the healthiest, adding a splash of orange juice to your homemade smoothies is much lower in sugar than purchasing one from McDonalds. My favourite combination is mangos, yogurt, banana, and orange juice.


x Grace

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